Tom Figueroa

Managing Partner

Tom Figueroa is a Managing Partner at JM Search and leader of the Firm’s Technology Practice. He has dedicated over 20 years to partnering with private equity investors to build the leadership teams for countless portfolio companies. His team includes over fifty search professionals whospecialize in various industries that include FinTech, Cybersecurity, IT Services,EdTech, Data & Analytics, MarTech, eCommerce and Digital Media. He is also amember of the firm’s Board of Directors.

Tom joined JM Search in 2003 from Kenexa, where he most recently led the​ company’s Technology Executive Search practice. In addition to leading thefirm’s most critical searches and managing key accounts, Tom was responsiblefor general management of the practice, which included training and mentoringthe team’s search consultants and assuring the highest level of service delivery.Many of Tom’s clients are repeat customers who have come to rely on hisexpertise and ability to identify, recruit, and close the best candidates for Board,CEO, and other C-level positions.

Tom received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Lehigh University and graduated high school from the American School of Paris. Tom has lived in France, Chile and Venezuela, is fluent in Spanish and conversant in French. He is married with four amazing daughters and lives in Phoenixville, PA



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